Current news



Event: Economic outlook for the Lake Constance region

Economic outlook for the Lake Constance regionThurgau Economic Institute (TWI) invites you to the Thurgau Forecast Forum 2022 on 3 November 2022 at 5.30 p.m. at the Unternehmerzentrum Lilienberg in Ermatingen, Switzerland.

Ukraine Digital - Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis

As part of the project "Ukraine Digital - Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis" - approved, supported, and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD - the module "Advanced Corporate Finance Digitally Delivered" will be offered at the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) in the winter semester 2022/23.

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Current research

An employee referral programme introduced in an experiment involving Konstanz economist Professor Nick Zubanov reduces staff turnover by 15%.

Premiere: HTWG und Universität bringen aktuelle Wirtschaftsthemen in Schulen

Mehr als 100 Schüler*innen kamen vergangene Woche mit ihren Lehrpersonen zum Schülertag „Economics Goes School“. Die Veranstaltung war die erste einer Kooperation zwischen Universität Konstanz und HTWG. Professor*innen und Student*innen der beiden Institutionen gestalten sie gemeinsam, um wirtschaftspolitische Themen in den Schulen der Region Bodensee bekannter zu machen.

Kooperationsseminar mit Kiew: #FinancialInnovations in the #DigitalAge

Over the course of the summer semester 2022, the virtual BA-seminar #FinancialInnovations in the #DigitalAge (SFIDA) took place. The jointly offered seminar was hosted by Prof. Dr. Axel Kind and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schumann in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Iryna Ivanets from the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU).